Classroom Computational Thinking and Information Communication Technologies - November 29, 2019 - Thompson
This session will explore what Computational Thinking is, its infusion into LwICT, how it applies to interdisciplinary learning experiences. We will explore the scaffolding of skills and competencies in storytelling, coding and computer science through the lens of CT and design thinking.
The day will include the following elements.
Introductions, unplugged activities, introduction to LwICT & CT, interdisciplinary application of CT focusing on STEM/STEAM, storytelling & CT, hands on coding activities and the pedagogical documentation of learning.
All participants will be encouraged to become familiar with ‘Flipgrid’ as a tool for documenting learning.
Session Facilitator:
David Wall is your Literacy with ICT, Computer Science/Computational Thinking & Coding Consultant for Manitoba Education & Training. David has strived for educational technology awareness as the application and ethical practice of extending learning and improving performance and achievement through the creative infusion of technologies, appropriate to the expression of the individual learning goal. He has lead initiatives such as: Student Code Camps, Ed Camps, MakerJams, Coding Quest and the implementation of Computational Thinking and Coding for K-12 students. He brought network broadcasting to middle and senior year’s schools and provides social media literacy and awareness presentations to parent advisory councils. David is continuing to champion student voice and self-directed learning through collaborative work of the Learning Technology Support Unit. The application of Literacy with ICT increases responsible use of technology that creates an infinite capacity to demonstrate critical, creative and computational thinking, communication, media literacy, numeracy and fluency enabling learners to be future ready.
Limited seating! Lunch will be provided.
Note: Substitute costs covered by the DigitALL project
Date and Time
Friday Nov 29, 2019
8:30 AM - 4:00 PM CST
RD Parker Collegiate Library
272 Thompson Dr. N
Thompson, MB
R8N 2B5
Phone: (204) 677-6200
Contact Information
Margaux Miller
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