Business Resilience – The Link between BCM and Information Security
In today’s environment, the interconnection between technology and business processes are becoming much more intertwined. Access to information not only moves an organization forward - it also identifies threats and risks on a proactive manner. This capability is a cornerstone of an effective business continuity and preparedness pillar when evaluating risk to an organization. I’d challenge anyone to identify a critical service – whether that’s in your own workplace, or across any industry that doesn’t rely on technology to support their critical services. Whether it’s in manufacturing, finance, healthcare, retail/distribution… the need for operational awareness and supporting systems requires a core set of systems and solutions to maintain operational resilience.
Every critical service that relies on technology will be inconvenienced and disrupted to some degree while having to conduct business without that technology. The key driver for Business Continuity Planning (BCP) is how much of a disruption to your business is tolerable and what you are able and willing to spend to avoid disruption. It is always a balance between the two. If financial resources weren’t an issue, every business using technology would probably choose to implement fully redundant, zero-downtime systems. However, the availability of financial resources is an issue.
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Date and Time
Tuesday Dec 10, 2024
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM CST
Contact Information
Brent Patten
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